Thursday, January 15, 2009


" Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are" it reminds me to choose friends who are able to accept me for who am I. they are the ones who encourage me to get involved and be a part of God's acitivities. we are the young prof or as I say Young Professionals for Christ, we have different attitudes and priorities but God set aside all our differences and find ourselves in this circle of friends. We seldom talk about our failures and pains which life brings to us, instead we pray for each other and take part as a professional ones and act as matured people who knows where to laigh, comfort each others and cry when we are victorious. We have different outlooks in life but only one purpose to SERVE Him the CREATOR.

Serving God is like your in a dungeon full of lions, but having friends like this one.....God is greatand He will protect us from EVIL......


*Hanna----R.N. by profession, Davao Doctor's graduate. Funny,greatest buddy and tackless by heart.

*Bryan----R.N by profession,Brokenshire College Graduate, photographer and Mr. Tan with M

*Elsbeth--- Mass Communication graduate of Unibersidad ng Pilipinas. Our Ms.Brain. She has an outrageous vocabulary and money....

*Kervin---R.N. by profession, Davao Doc's graduate, A Pastor's Kid a man of few words

*Jusyl----R.N. by profession, San perdo College graduate cum laude, A girl with a brilliant mind and heart.

* Joden--- Teacher by profession, Assumption College graduate, a good designer and a computer wizard.

This are some of the young professionals

* Mia Ann-medtech,* Jayson-seaman,*Ryan-seaman,*Janet-accounting graduate,*Geraldine,*Liza- stenographer, *Jasper-engineer,*Kid- seaman

God is good and this is the product of His promises if We served Him and follow His words.

Be a Blessing and reach those who are lost. See ya in Heaven.....

"Attempt Greeeaaaat things for GOD and expect Greeeaaat things from HIM"