Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Thomas Edison should be known for his patience and persistence. This man worked for several years to perfect the electric light bulb. A recent documentary told the following story. after four thousand, nine hundred, ninety-eight failures, Edison's light was finally perfected. As a young helper carried it upstairs to be tested, he slipped and dropped the bulb, breaking it. Edison didn't yell or rebuke the young man, he patiently went back to his workshop to make a replacement. This five thousand bulb was successful. I often wonder how many of us have the patient to try five thousand times to achieve a goal.

As we read 1 King 11:26-43, when Ahijah told Jeroboam that he would rule over much Israel. He didn't exhibit much patient. Waiting was not in his mind, so take his kingdom by force that result to putting his life in to danger and forced him to flee from Egypt.

When we are patient and allow God to work within His time frame, we save ourselves a lot of heartache. If we ask, He will help us develop the patient to persist and persistence, even five thousand times.

God patiently mold us to be what we are right now. He is the greatest model of PATIENCE. Patience is a virtue. We get stubborn when things get rough on our way. We want to have things according to our own strength and wisdom. We hardly recognize God's mighty power over us.
So things are getting worst and even tougher. We usually end up asking ourselves " WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG?" Seriously, I always ask myself this question. Until the time I starting to realize that I need to re-evaluate myself. Years past I never master this answer but definitely I learned to maximize it. Whenever things are in there proper places and it is according to what I planned I'm starting to focus to whom it will be credited. And when things starting to fall in to pieces, I usually end up catching my own self.. hehehehe because I'm starting to make things according to my strength and little knowledge. Opppppsss! Rewind, I thought I knew what to do? ohhhhh! then I start to wait for the LORD and waiting more patiently.

Sometimes it is easy to be angry than to be patient but sad to say, it requires more working muscles when you're angry which results to early aging....Seriously when we search for t real meaning of patience? We search God.


A man's wisdom gives him patience. Proverbs 19:11

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