Thursday, October 14, 2010

When she met him. :)

She asked herself what does he looks like when his name first came to her. J-A-K-E..... Does he look good, handsome or simply adorable? But to her surprised he is not one of those she named of. Honestly his not a superman type. She looked at him from head to foot and she said to herself OMG! This can’t be him. Then she hurriedly went upstairs and got herself I seat. First impression last it really matters to her. She inhaled deeply and looked at him from afar and shouted “Hey! 3 tickets please,” he handed her 1,2, and 3. After that day she never thought of him again. Year has passed and it’s her birthday. Happy 19th birthday said her sister. Wow! She bought a cake for her and told her to bring some for her boyfriend. So she put some in the box and went her way. As she stood in the entrance of his house she saw a familiar face. After a year she never expected to see him again. She went inside and did what she was told.. the CAKE..

Then after that day, she received a message and guess from who? An admirer.. whooooowww! It’s from a friend. A friend whom she met before. Weird huh.? “How are you? Hope you’re doing fine. I never thought we will meet again” Jake. She never intended to reply from his messages. It took her months before dealing with it. So after 200 messages from him she decided to text back. “Hi! I’m fine” Sarah. Sarah was 19 that time and Jake was 24.

So the real story begins here, they exchanged messages as well as getting to know each other. Past has been a big part of their conversation. They were friends at first but along the ways they became best enemies. When they meet they end up scolding each other. But, the most amazing part is they didn’t realize they are falling for each other. Months passed and finally Jake told Sarah how he felt for her.

She was so surprised, out of the blue she felt like nervous “wait a minute do I need a boyfriend now? Well I guess I can have one.” But he needs to wait. He said “Of course I will” 2 months had pass and things are going well between them. Then March 20 came and she said “YES” to him.

Jake took care of the relationship but for Sarah she never takes it seriously. Year had past Jake continued to devote himself to his commitment and love for her. Then trials came and made them under a seesaw situation. One day Sarah told herself it’s time for her to clear things up. “a BREAK UP will do”. Jake offered a lifetime assurance to take care of Sarah just to withdraw her decision but she’s hard, harder than a stone.

So they went different ways, after a month Sarah realized one thing, Jake is her better half she can’t explain it but she knew from within he will make her whole. She went too talked to him and he accepted her whole heartedly. They start all over again and start it with love and care for each other.

The greatest fear of Sarah has come. Time to meet his FAMILY- she never thought of a warm welcome and a dear love. They treated her as a part of the family and it made her more special. Her love for Jake grew more that day because of what she felt and saw. He respects his parents and the way he treated her mom assures her the future family she will have.

OH! The simplest part is meeting Sarah family- Mom is here; the simplest turns out to be a nightmare. Mom doesn't like him, she doesn’t want him to be part of their family and mostly she doesn’t want him to be her boyfriend. OHHHHHHHhhhh! That hurts! So this is the most complicated part of their relationship. It’s time for a real deal. – CHOOSE – family or love? What will you choose? But for Sarah whatever her decision is- it’s for her happiness.

Low tides- Sarah’s Mom got problem that she never expected to faced. Her brother needs money for his trainings, not just money but a lot of money which brought a real pain in her Mom’s account. She saw her worked really hard to meet those payments and moneys. Jake offered a help and she knew he can help. He lends her money with no interest and no payments at all. She handed it to her Mom and she knew where the money came from.

They keep the relation from being known to her family. They continue it with fear and excitement. Fear from being caught which make her Mom angry and disappointed. But the secret will never be kept for so long. She’s quite furious about her actions and she wanted to make it right. Just right! Year went by and it’s her 22nd birthday. They decided to went home and celebrate her birthday with her family. FYI! Jake never missed to buy Sarah a cake for 3 years. Is that SWEET? J

Jake brought with him a nice cake and a rose. They celebrated Sarah’s birthday with merry hearts and Sarah wish they could be like this. Her Mom was dealing Jake with smiles now, after awhile Sarah’s sisters’ boyfriend ask her she is very blessed to have Jake and that made Sarah stunned for awhile and she wanted to vanish for a lifetime. Gosh! He’s so mean! In the first place he knew that it will cause her more than everything. But all she did is to looked at her Mom with teary eyes and said “I’m Sorry Mom I followed my heart”. Her Mom stared at her and said “Can I have a moment with you Sarah?.” She felt like falling into pieces she knew this is it, and she needs to stand beside her family. And she look back and saw Jake smiling and she knew everything will be alright.

Cold Room with Mom- Sarah was shaking and feels like fainting. She sat down in front of her mom with eyes closed then she suddenly felt cold hands holding her shoulders. Her tears feel down like rain. “Oh Mom I’m so sorry, if I kept this secret for so long. I don’t want to hurt you. But I did and I’m worth of your disgrace.” She was expecting of an angry voice and to her surprised she rebukes her and said “You just made a perfect choice dear, I never thought you’ve open my eyes that I may see the real Jake. He’s a very kind and good man. I will never entrust my daughter to anymore but him.” And it was the greatest gift she received from her entire life. BEST EVER!

From that day they are free to express the relationship and everything falls into its right places. And Jake and Sarah is strengthen by trials and problems. They continue to their journey and sooner their will take their lives to a higher level which I think they are both ready. This is like a fairy tale with a happy ending; life doesn’t always ends with it but for me I do believe.

Fairy tales do come true if you make your own. Well! Definitely I’m not Cinderella. I’m just a girl who dream of a Happy Ending.. Anyways I don’t believe in first impression last. I just realized.

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